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What’s the minimal rental period?

Take care of your safety

The assembly of the ENK630 SP construction facade suspended platform produced by ENKEL SUSPENDED PLATFORM should be carried out exclusively by installers with experience and qualifications for this type of work and in accordance with the detailed assembly instructions included in the delivery package of the facade suspended platform.

In case of any difficulties during the assembly of the facade scaffold, our company's specialists are ready to provide assistance and consultation to our customers at any convenient time.

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“Despite the reliability and quality of our company's ENK630 SP series facade suspended platforms, qualified assembly is primarily a guarantee of the uninterrupted operation of all its components and assemblies.”

Advantages of our swing stages

A facade hoist, commonly referred to as a swing stage, falls into the category of complex technical devices, but in reality, it is not so. Among the main advantages are:

  • Simple construction
  • Reliability of all components
  • Two redundant safety systems: mechanical and electrical.
  • Presence of a lift overload safety system that eliminates the so-called human factor.
  • Versatility - for the installation of the hoist, only two wrenches will be needed.
  • All-weather capability due to the use of connectors protected according to the IP67 standard, resistant to moisture and dust.

Buy swing stage scaffolding

Buy swing stages
What’s the minimal rental period?

Residual Current Devices (RCDs)

ENKEL SUSPENDED PLATFORM elevators are mandatory equipped with Residual Current Devices (RCDs) from the globally renowned electronic systems manufacturer, SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC, in their professional series.

This device continually compares the current flowing to the electrical appliance with the current returning from the appliance (through the neutral) and detects leakage from the electrical network by identifying differences between incoming and outgoing currents.

In the event of an unauthorized electrical current leakage, it instantly cuts off the power supply to the elevator, thereby preventing the elevator operator from being exposed to electric shock. Such devices are not found in any other facade hoists from third-party manufacturers.

"For our company, safety and reliability are paramount in practice, not just in words."

To be continued...

The safety systems described in this article are only a small part of them. It's not possible to detail all the safety systems we use because they are considered proprietary.

However, we can mention that the electrical control panel for the elevators is a design developed by our engineers. Onboard this panel is a central processor that controls the movement of the elevator using complex software code.

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